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Michigan Disability Insurance
  Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance


Disability Insurance Informatio n

Disability - A possibility you need to consider...

When a disability leaves you unable to work for an extended length of time, you lose the ability to earn an income- the one thing you've always relied on to provide for yourself and your loved ones. Meanwhile, your living expenses continue-in fact, they're likely to increase for a number of reasons. You could need help around the house or have higher medical expenses, for example. That's where Michigan disability income insurance (DI) comes in. It's designed to help you maintain your standard of living when you cannot work. If you don't have much in the way of assets for a financial cushion, you need enough to cover costs and supplement your income until you can go back to work.

Michigan disability income insurance is needed by just about everyone who earns a living. Surprisingly, single people often need it more than married couples because they don't have a spouse's income to fall back on if they are injured or become too sick to work. On the other hand, most married people have a hard time imagining what it would be like to live on one salary when they barely get by on two. And unfortunately, disability strikes more often than you may think.

What is the Definition of Disability?
Disability is considered either "Own Occupation," which is the inability to perform the duties of your own specific occupation, or "Any Occupation," which is the inability to perform the duties of any job for which your education and training qualify you.

How Much is the Diability Benefit?
Most policies have a fixed monthly benefit. Although the benefit doesn't increase over time, you can usually purchase extra coverage or cost of living increases.

When do I Receive the First Disability Benefit?
There is a waiting period between the time you become disabled and the time you begin to receive benefits. Waiting periods can range from one week to two years. In general, the longer the waiting period, the less the policy costs.

How Long Will the Michigan Disability Benefits Last?
The benefit period, which is how long you receive monthly benefits, can range from six months to the rest of your life, depending on what your company offers and the choices you make.